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This research was supported in part by grants from the National Geographic Society, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Research Board of the University of Illinois. Logistical support and guidance in Peru were provided by Dr, Jaime Moro of the Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones Tropicales Y de Altura (IVITA). We acknowledge the following people for their valuable assistance in the field: Eriberto Mermao, Walter Mermao, Jose Oscano, Walter Vasquez, Carlos Ique, and Didier Lamy. We thank Jim and Lois Bresedine, owners of Breezy's Tattoo Parlor in Rantoul, Illinois, for providing instruction on how to build and run a battery-operated tattoo machine Comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript were provided by Dr Lynette Norr, Dr. MaryLou Harrison, Dr. Suzette Tardif, and 3 anonymous re-iewers. We also thank Lynette, Sara, and Jenni for letting me spend a summer with the tamarins.


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