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Spontaneous seminoma in an owl monkey in captivity

Gozalo A, Nolan T, Montoya E. Spontaneous seminoma in an owl monkey in captivity. J Med Primatol 1992:21:39-41.

An adult male Aotus nancymae maintained for breeding purposes was submitted for surgery and the left testicle was removed. The surgically removed mass was about two to three times the size of a normal adult owl monkey testicle. Grossly, on cut surface, the mass was soft, white to pale gray, and bulged a e the adjacent tissue. Microscopically, the morphol- ogy of the tumor cells was consistent with a seminoma.

Alfonso Gozalo, Thomas Nolan, Enrique Montoya
Center for Reproduction and Conservation of Non-Human Primates, Instituto Veterina- rio de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Al- tura, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Iquitos, Peru (A.G., E.M.); Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania, USA (T.N.)

Key words: neoplasm - testis - nonhuman primate - Cebidae - Aotus nancymae

Alfonso Gozalo, DVM, Unidad de Post Grado, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Correo de Salamanca, Apartado 03-5113, Lima, Peru.

Accepted for publication November 8, 1991.


From nearly 800 spontaneous neoplasms reported to have occurred in nonhuman primates in the world [2], only two cases of spontaneous tumors related to the testicle were described in a western lowland gorilla (adenoma) [5] and a howler monkey (seminoma) [7]. In this report we describe a case of spontaneous seminoma in an owl monkey (Aotus nancymae), the second case to be reported to our knowledge in a nonhuman primate.

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