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We wish to thank the Comite Regional de Coordinación del Proyecto Primates NoHumanos in Iquitos for the facilities granted. We give special thanks to the guides and field workers, Mr. Desiderio Marichi, Juan Tapullima, and Gilberto Asipali for their efforts during predawn diurnal, crepuscular, and nocturnal labors in the Amazon forest. We also wish to thank Richard Madden for the English translation of the original manuscript and Dr. Kenneth Glander and Mr. Pekka Soini for their help with English phrasing. This work was performed as part of the activities of the Centro de Reproducción y Conservación de Primates NoHumanos of Iquitos, and was financed by the Proyecto Primates AMRO 3171, Peru, of the OMS/OPS.


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