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The Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, announces the publication of the second edition of the International Directory of Primatology. The purpose of the directory is to enhance communications among organizations and individuals involved in primate research, conservation and education. It can be used by primatologists as a desktop working tool or by educators, librarians, students and the general public as a guide to primate programs and information resources.

The directory is divided into four organizational sections and five indexes. The organizational sections (1) geographically arranged entries for major primate centers, laboratories, educational programs, foundations, conservation agencies and sanctuaries, (2) groups involved with non-human primate population management, (3) professional primate societies, including the membership roster of the International Primatological Society, and (4) major information resources in the field. Access to this information is supported by organizational, field site, species, subject and name indexes.

Copies of the 1994 International Directory of Primatology, 2nd edition (354 pp., spiral bound) are available in the USA for $ 15 each, or in other countries for $ 23 each (US). Theses prices include postage and handling. Electronic mail and phone orders are welcome.

Send orders to:
Larry Jacobsen, IDP Coordinator
Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center Library
1220 Capitol Court
Madison, WI 53175-1299 USA

Phone: 1 (608) 263-3512 Fax: 1 (608) 263-4729 E-mail: library @ primate. wisc.edu.



In General: The Primate Report publishes original papers, abstracts and contributions from the meetings of national and international primatological societies, from symposia as well as book reviews. Special issues like surveys on primatological activities in habitat countries and census of captive primates in the Old World countries complete the spectrum.
Original papers written in English can be accepted from any area of primatology, including breeding and husbandry, behaviour, evolutionary biology, morphology, physiology and palaeontology.

Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title (main title underlined), a short title for use as running head, the authors' names, and the name of the institute where the work was conducted.

Full address: The postal address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent must be given at the bottom of the page. Please also supply phone and fax and Email numbers.

Key words: For indexing purposes, a list of 6-10 key words in English is essential.
Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract of up to 10 lines in English, an additional one in French, Spanish, Portuguese or German is optional.

Tables and illustrations: Tables and illustrations (both numbered in Arabic numerals) should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables require a heading and figures a legend, also prepared on a separate sheet. On the back of each illustration, indicate its number, the author's name, and "top". Colour illustrations are reproduced only at special agreement.

References: The list of references in alphabetic order should include only those publications which are cited in the text. Examples:
Papers published in periodicals: COLLINS, D.A. and MCGREW, W.C.: Chimpanzees' (Pan troglodytes) choice of prey among termites (Macrotermitinae) in Western Tanzania. PRIMATES (1985) 26: 375-389.

Monographs: MATTHEWS, D.E. and FAREWELL, V.T.: Using and Understanding Medical Statistics. Basel: Karger (1985).
Edited books: FEISTNER, A.T.C. and MCGREW, W.C.: Food-sharing in primates: A critical review. In: SETH, RK. and SETH, S. (eds.): Perspectives in Primate Biology. New Delhi: Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers (1989) 3: 21-36.

Reprints: 20 sample copies of the contribution are free of charge to the first author.

Disk Submission: We welcome the submission of manuscripts, graphs and drawings on disk. The preferred storage medium is a 3.5- or 5.25-inch disk in MS-DOS format. Macintosh is also acceptable. The preferred word processing package is Microsoft Word. Other commonly used PC text programs are also accepted, as well as ASCII format. Graphs and drawings can be accepted as bitmap files (tif, pcx, bmp etc.), but vectorized data (cgm, wmf, eps, etc.) or cdr-data files are preferred.

Publication data: The Primate Report is published 3 times annually, including the annual scientific report of the German Primate Center (DPZ), which is free of charge for subscribers.

Editor's address:
Dr. Dr. M.H. Schwibbe, German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4, 37077 G6ttingen, Germany.

Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Erich Goltze GmbH & Co.KG, 37079 Gottingen, ERG
ISSN 0343-3528

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