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Case report

A wildcaught adult male Goeldie's monkey (Callimico goeldii) died spontaneously at the Center forReproduction and Conservation of Non Human Primates in Iquitos, Peru. At necropsy, the monkeywas thin and small whitish foci were observed randomly distributed on the liver surface. At cut section, similar lesions were found diffusely distributed in the liver. All other organs were normalrange. Tissue samples were taken from all majororgans, fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, andprocessed routinely for hematoxylin and eosinstaining. Additionally, liver samples were takenand cultured into MacConkey, SalmonellaShigella, and blood agar plates, and incubated at 37'Cfor 48 hours under aerophilic conditions. Histologically, the foci were composed of mixed inflammatory cells with predominant polymorphonuclear cellinfiltrate.,Central areas of necrosis and small clusters of bacteria were also observed in the lesions (Fig. 1). Microbiological cultures revealed small colonies of Gramnegative coccoidbacilli with bipolar staining. The microorganism grew on MacConkey's agar, produced hemolysis on blood agar, had no motility, and was indole negative, urease negative, lactose positive, glucose positive, and hydrogen sulfide negative. According to these results, the microorganism was identified as P. haemolytica.