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Este trabajo se realizó como parte de las actividades del proyecto peruano de primatología "Manuel Moro Sommo", financiado con fondos de la carta de entendimiento ICFIZNS/OPS entre el gobierno peruano y la organización panamericana de la salud.

Baylis HA, Daubney R. Report on the parasite nematodes in the collection of the zoological survey of India. Mem Ind Mus 7: 247, 1992.
Hartwich G, Keys to Genera of the Ascaridoidea. Nº 2. En Anderson RC, Chabaud AG, Willmott S (eds), "CIH Keys to the nematode parasites of Vertebrates". England: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1974.
Lichtenfels JR. Keys to Genera of the Superfamilies Ancylostomatoidea and Diaphanocephaloidea. Nº8. En Anderson RC, Chabaud AG, Willmott S (eds), "CIH Keys to the nematode parasites of Vertebrates". England: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1980.
Orihel TC, Seibold HR. Nematodes of the bowel and tissues. En Fiennes RNT-W (ed). "Pathology of Simial Primates. Part II. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases", Base: S. Kerger, 1972, 76-103.
Pillers AWN. Ascaris lumbricoides causing fatal lesions in a chimpanzee. Ann Trop Med Parasit 18:101,102,1924.
Ruch TC. "Diseases of laboratean Primate". Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1959.
Stam AB. Un cas mortel d´ascaridio (ascaris lumbricoides) chez le chimpanzee nain (Pan paniscus Schweir), Ann Parasit 35:675, 1960.
Thornton H. The relationship between the ascarids of man, pig and chimpanzee. Ann Trop Med Parasit, 18:99-100. 1924.