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Managed Care

Animal health is a top priority, which necessitates strict monitoring of sanitation, nutritional needs, and routine medical protocol.

Water is chlorinated, and food and drinking water are routinely tested for microbiological pathogens.

A scientifically-balanced diet using indigenous ingredients is produced on site ensuring freshness, consistency and palatability.

The project's laboratories are fully equipped to provide biochemical as well as routine parasitology, virology and microbiology screening tests. Transfer animals are monitored every 5 months and quarantined prior to departure. The project has been declared tuberculosis free and a routine TB testing programs has been put into effect.

All animals are tattooed at weaning and have complete medical records.

The transfer of animals is authorized through a decree issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and CITES.

Transferred animals undergo a stabilization period at their port of entry in the U.S.A. followed by a 31 day quarantine adhering to the Center for Disease Control public health service regulations.

Staff The staff consists of veterinarians, biologists, naturalists and technical support personnel. The project regularly hosts internationally acclaimed primate specialists and visiting investigators.

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