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Geographical Distribution: The distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports within the provinces of Loreto and Ucayali. Average to large amounts of the species can be found in the northern Amazon of Perú. The tree: 40 m tall, 100 cm diameter. Steep visible roots, 4 m. high, 1.5 m. thick; sometimes in young trees, visible roots thinly extend up the trunk, making it seem corrugated and depicting longitudinal concavity and convexity. In old trees, trunk is round. Large, parasol-like top. The surface of the bark is smooth, grayish brown to yellowish brown. Woody dead bark comes apart in irregular I-cm-thick sheets which are cork-like inside. When apart, they leave round, bas-relieved, orange brown traces that resemble hammering. Main bark is made up of two 2-mm-thick layers.

Color: When freshly cut, sapwood (alburnum) is white and hardwood (duramen) is brown, lightly and regularly streaked. Great and abrupt contrast of colors between both layers. When dried in open air, alburnum turns pinkish-white HUE 8/2 7.5YR and duramen turns reddish brown HUE 5/4 5YR. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).

Fragrance Distinctive and characteristic.
Shine or gloss Moderate to high.
Grain Interbred.
Texture Medium.
Streaks or patterns: Clearly-defined, overlapped arcs.
Narrow, parallel, glossy bands
streaked in yellow in the tangential

Shihuahuaco is a heavy type of wood, showing low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage.
Mechanical resistance is ranked as high.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.87 g/CM3
Tangential contraction 9.10 %
Radial contraction 5.50 %
Volumetric contraction 15.00 %
T/R Ratio 1.60

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion kg/cm2
Module of breakage in flexion 1,286 kg/cm2
Parallel compression (RM) 672 kg/cm2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 150 kg/cm2
Grain-parallel cut 145 kg/CM2
Hardness on the sides 1,353 kg/cm2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 6.2 kg-m

Wood is more difficult than normal to saw due to its harness and interbred grain; therefore, adequate tools and star shaped chain saws should be used. Large pieces are difficult to dry naturally, warping might occur. Performs well when artificially dried in a mild, 10-day program for small 13-mm-thick pieces.

Wood is hard and it's used for railway sleepers, body works, bridges over low-volume rivers, floors, heavy constructions, outdoor carpentry, dovetail-joints and floor tiles.

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