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Geographical Distribution: The distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports within the provinces of Amazonas, Cuzco, Huánuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, San Martín and Ucayali, between 0 and 2000 m. above sea level. Average amounts of the species can be found in the Peruvian Amazon.
The tree: Up to 25 m. tall, 90 cm diameter. Straight trunk, little visible roots. Large dense top, proportionally larger than the trunk. The surface of the bark is rough, brownish gray, looking somehow fissured and cracked. Dead bark is broken in little pieces that do not come apart easily. Smelly, soft, non breakable main bark is beige and slightly changes color when exposed to the air. Whole bark can be up to 4 cm thick.breakable main bark is beige and slightly changes color when exposed to the air. Whole bark can be up to 4 cm thick.

Color: When freshly cut, sapwood (alburnum) is yellowish white and hardwod (duramen) is pinkish chestnut-brown. Great contrast of colors between both layers. When dried in open air, alburnum turns very pale brown HUE 7/4 10YR and duramen turns light red HUE 6/6 2.5YR. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).

Fragrance Distinctive and pleasant.
Shine or gloss Medium.
Grain Straight.
Texture Medium to delicate.
Streaks or patterns: (T-cut) Overlapped arches defines by vascular lines and glossed by the shine of contrasted radii.

Requia is a moderately heavy type of wood, showing low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage.
Mechanical resistance is in the limit of medial and high ranks.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.60 g/CM3
Tangential contraction 10.14 %
Radial contraction 5.59 %
Volumetric contraction 14.90 %
T/R Ratio 1.81

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion 154,000 kg/cm2
Module of breakage in flexion 750.00 kg/Cm2
Parallel compression (RM) 384.00 kg/Cm2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 67.00 kg/Cm2
Grain-parallel cut 93.00 kg/cm2
Hardness on the sides 579.00 kg/Cm2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 3.60 kg-m

Wood is easy to saw. Medium to high mechanical resistance. Performs well when polished, lathe-shaped and molded.
Moderate natural drying process; if artificially dried, care is required to reduce the consequences of inadequate setting.
Good natural durability, not prone to biological attack.

Wood is used in plates, pulp and paper, civil construction and carpentry in general, plank molds, shipping and furniture.

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