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Geographical Distribution: The distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports within the provinces of Amazonas and Loreto, between 0 and 500 m. above sea level. Small amounts of this species can be found in the Peruvian Amazon.

The tree: 35 to 40 m. tall, cylinder-like trunk which can be 20 m. tall and 1 m. diameter. Poorly-developed, thick visible roots. The surface of the bark is covered with swollen, long cracks arranged in horizontal lines. Dead bark is a yellowish, l-mm layer that comes apart in thin sheets. Main bark is 2-em thick and is made up of two layers, between which there is a thin, yellowish-brown stratum from which abundant, sweetish, white latex oozes.

Color: When freshly cut, alburnum is white and duramen is beige. Slight and gradual contrast of color between them. When dried in open air, alburnum turns white HUE 8/2 2.5Y and duramen turns pale yellow HUE 8/4 2.5Y. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).

Fragrance Non-distinctive.
Shine or gloss Intense / High
Grain Interbred
Texture Medium.
Streaks or patterns: Parallel wide bands, radial section.

Panguana is a lightweight type of wood, showing low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage.
Mechanical resistance is in the limit of medial to high ranks.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.49 g/CM3
Tangential contraction 6.88 %
Radial contraction 3.71 %
Volumetric contraction 6.69 %
T/R Ratio 1.90

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion 100,000 kg/cm2
Module of breakage in flexion 511.00 kg/cm2
Parallel compression (RM) 264.00 kg/Cm2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 41.00 kg/cm2
Grain-parallel cut 74.00 kg/Cm2
Hardness on the sides 380.00 kg/cm2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 2.70 kg-m

Medial mechanical properties, little inner tension which facilitates sawing. Good workability and high productivity.
Performs moderately when dried. If boards depict interbred grain, open-air drying is preferable. If artificially-dried, a 10 day mild setting for 2-inch thickness is advisable.
Moderate natural durability. Prone to biological attack.
Treatment is advisable.
Damp wood should be preserved using immersion system.
Wood dried in hot-cold bath shows good permeability.

Sawed wood is used in construction, specially indoors, walls, molding. Also used in lightweight structures, piles, crossbeams, structural supports, dovetail joints and light shipping. lt's ideal for the production of plywood sheets.

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