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Geographical Distribution: The distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports whithin the provinces of Amazonas, San Martín, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, Loreto and Ucayali between 0 and 1000 m above sea level. The species grows in communities called "capironales". Average amounts can be found in the Peruvian Amazon.
The tree: 35 m tall, 0.70 to 1.80 m. diameter around the chest. Cylinder-like straight timber trunk. Outer bark is greenish-brown, which, if loosen in coriacean layers, exposes a grayish-white trunk; therefore it is also known as "mulatto stick".

Color: When freshly cut, sapwood (alburnum) is creamy white and hardwood (duramen) is grayish white, light brown streaks. Little contrast between both layers. When dried in open air, alburnum turns white HUE 8/2 2/5Y and duramen turns yellow HUE 8/6 10YR. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).

Fragrance Non-distinctive.
Shine or gloss Medium.
Grain Straight and slightly interbred.
Texture Delicate.
Streaks or patterns: Thin, weak streaks, parallel bands.

Capirona is a very heavy type of wood which shows low linear shrinkage and moderately stable volumetric shrinkage. Mechanical resistance is between medial and high ranks.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.66 g/CM3
Tangential contraction 9.00 %
Radial contraction 5.00 %
Volumetric contraction 15.00 %
T/R Ratio 2.30

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion 100,000 kg/CM2
Module of breakage in flexion 723.00 kg/CM2
Parallel compression (RM) 283.00 kg/CM2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 67.00 kg/cm2
Grain-parallel cut 87.00 kg/CM2
Hardness on the sides 425.00 kg/CM2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 2.00 kg-m

Wood is moderately easy to saw. Good workability.
Average performance if artificially dried, requires mild set ting to avoid risk of cracking.
Good resistance to biological attack, no need of preservation. Long-lasting wood, specially when in elements out of the reach of the ground.
Tortorelli addresses is as a substitute of Casearia praecox "boxwood".

Wood can be used in floors, floor tiles, molding, wood stacks, naval construction, heavy structures, poles, coach building, sports gear like tennis and ping-pong rackets, tool handles.

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