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The National Institute of Agrariam Research. INIA, is an office from Agriculture Minister. Its main work is to help to tecnified the agriculture all over the country, intensifyind the economic level under competitive conditions and with the participation of public and private institutions of the country as well as from the international field.

The geografiphic and natural conditions of our county give them am special and complex Bio-Diversity life with eleven great ecological areas and eighty four life places of the a hundred and three than exist in the world.

The Bio-diversity of Amazon basin gives to Perú a privilege situation to investigate and develop appropriated technologies for an intense, diverse and ecological agriculture with the purpose of the self supplying feeding of our people and to the develop new food products could give, to our country, the chance to compete in the international food market.

In despite of these, there are some several problems to expand our ecological agriculture as ground´s erosion, the practices of agriculture migration (slash and burn) against of the deforestation.

The INIA frough the General Direction of Agrariam Research plannity, rule, supervise and evaluate the activities of creation (generate) and extention in the nine National Programs Research: Genetic and Bio-tecnologies Resourses; Horticulture; Integrated Managment of Plagues; Familiar Breedings; Fruitculture; Corn and Rice; Pasture and Forages; an the Agroforestam and Tropical Cultured Products.

The General Direction of Agrarian Technological Transference Promote the new tecniques in agriculture, looking for the contribution of the public and private institutions, from the country and from foreing countries, with the purpose of increasing productivity, to get better prices for products and to make a mayor and better offer of food.

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