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Aquino, R.; Incarnation, F. Population densities and geographic distribution of nightmonkeys (Aotus nancymai and Aotus vociferans) (Cebidae: Primates) in northeastern Peru. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 14:375381, 1988.

Cicmanec, J.C.; Campbell, A.K. Breeding the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus) in a laboratory environment. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 27:512517,1977.

Dixson, A.F. The owl monkey (Aotus trivirg atus). Pp. 69113 in REPRODUCTION IN NEW WORLD PRIMATESNEW MOD ELS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. J.P. Hearn, ed. London, MTP Press Limited, 1983.

Elliot, M.W.; Seghal, P.K.; Chalifoux, L.V.Management and breeding of Aotus trivirgatus. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCI ENCE 26:10371040, 1976.

Hall, R.D.; Hodgen, G.D. Pregnancy diagnosis in owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus):Evaluation of the haemagglutination inhi bition test for urinary chorionic gonadotro phin. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 29:345348, 1979.

Hershkovitz, P. Two new species of nightmonkeys, genus Aotus (Cebidae, Platyr rhini): a preliminary report on Aotus taxonomy. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 4:209243, 1983.

Hunter, A.J.; Martin, R.D.; Dixson, A.F.; Rudder, B.C.C. Gestation and interbirth intervals in the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra). FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 31:165175, 1979.

Ma, N.S.; Aquino, R.; Collins, W.E. Two new karyotypes in the Peruvian owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 9:333341, 1985.

Merritt, D.A. Jr. The owl monkey Aotus trivirgatus: husbandry, behaviour, and breeding. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOOLOGICAL PARKS AND AQUARIUMS. 107123,1976.

Rieckmann, K.H.; Mrema, J.E.K.; Marshall, P.H.; Hafner, D.M. Breeding of Aotus monkeys for human malaria research. BULLETIN OF THE PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION 14:251257,1980.

Thorington, R.W.; Voreck, R.E. Observations on the geographic variation and skeletal development of Aotus . LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 26:10061021, 1976.

Wright, P.C. The night monkeys, genus Aotus . Pp. 211240 in ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR OF NEOTROPICAL PRIMATES. A.F. CoimbraFilho and R.A.Mittermeier, eds. Rio de Janeiro, Academia Brasilera de Ciencias, 1981.

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