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Filomeno Encarnación C (b) y Carlos lque G (b)

(a) Financiado por Convenio IVITA /Univ San Marcos con la ex Dirección General de Forestal y Fauna /Ministerio de Agricultura y auspicios de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
(b) Biól, Estación Experimental IVITA, Iquitos. Apartado 575, Telefax (5194)232951.


Experiences on management of Saguinus mystax (Callitrichidae, Primates) population and agroforestry systems are carrying out from 1980 in seasonal flooded forest of Padre Isla, Iquitos, Loreto. The periodical inundation by white water of Amazon river causes forest decimate by erosion at southern side, plant colonization on new soil at northern side. The short vegetative period species associated to natives shrub and tree fruit species were included in the sequential and simultaneous types of agroforestry systems, and 20 groups of S. mystax released between 1977 to 1980. In 1980 the island area was estimated in 15 km, of them 4.0 km were useful forest for primates, and the others 11.0 km were successional vegetation, cultivated lands, cleared patches, swamp vegetation, and small lakes. From 1980 to 1992 while the area was reducing by river erosion, the high useful forest area was increasing. The successes are demonstrated by the:

1) annual crops of cultivated species from 1980to 1986,
2) sustainable fruit production and harvesting in reforested area after 1987,
3) normal plant succession and homogeneous high canopies on the island forest, and
4) selective trappings of 32 adult individuals of S. mystax in 1988 and 28 in 1992.

The sequence of forested area and primate populations was 4.68 km2 in 1985 for 98 individuals in 15 groups, 5.17km2 in 1990 for 184 individuals in 23 groups, and 5.84 km2 in 1992 for 204 individuals in 24 groups. The highest densities belongs to 3.7 km of forested area with 156 individuals in 18 groups, if one group home range was estimated in 18.4 ha (=0.0184km2), the island is in n optimal charge capacity for primate management purposes.

Key words: Saguinus mystax, agroforestry systems, seasonal flooded forest, Amazon island, primate population, forest recovery, wildlife management.

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