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1. Andrews EJ, White WJ: Gastric pseudoadenomyosis in a Macaca mulatta. J Med Primatol 2:19-24, 1973.

2. Bourne MNG: Breeding macaques for research. J Afr Vet Assoc 49:185-188, 1978.

3. Ensley PK, Rost TL, Anderson M: Intestinal obstruction and perforation caused by undigested Acacia sp. Vet Med Assoc 181:1351-1354, 1982.

4. Leary SL, Manning PJ, Anderson LC: Experimental and naturally occurring gastric foreign bodies in laboratory rabbits. Lab Anim Sci 34:58-61, 1984.

5. Nolan TE, Schaffer L, Conti PA: A gastric trichobezoar in a chimpanzee. J Med Primatol 17:63-65, 1988.

6. Wagner JL, Hackel DB, Samsell AG: Spontaneous deaths in rabbits resulting from gastric trichobezoars. Lab Anim Sci 24:826-830, 1984.

Address reprint reports to Dr. Alfonso S. Gozalo, Peruvian Primatological Project, P.O. Box 621, Iquitos, Brazil.