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Geographical Distribution: The distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports within the provinces of Loreto, San Martin and Ucayali, between 80 and 1000 m. above sea level. Average amounts of this species can be found in the Peruvian Amazon. The tree: 35 m. tall; corrugated trunk at its base, poorly developed visible roots. Irregular top made up of long horizontal branches arranged in whor1s. The surface of the bark goes from brown to grayish black, spotted in gray, finely fissured, giving the appearance to be slightly rough. Rigid, breaking dead bark. The name "tirasucio" in Colombia comes from the act of slicing the bark with an ax -when this is done, pieces of it come out. Main bark is sour, pink (turns to red when exposed to the environment). Red, watery, fairly abundant exudation oozes immediately.

Color: When freshly cut, sapwood (alburnum) is pale beige and hardwood (duramen) is pale yellow. Slight and gradual contrast of colors between both layers. When dried in open air, alburnum turns pale yellow HUE 8/2 2.5Y and duramen turns very pale brown HUE 7/3 10YR. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).
Fragrance Non-distinctive.
Shine or gloss Moderate.
Grain Straight.
Texture Medium.
Streaks or patterns Defined by growth rings and grain, glossy due to the contrast in the radii, which are delicate and orderly.

Cumala is a fairly heavy type of wood, showing low linear shrinkage and moderately stable volumetric shrinkage. Mechanical resistance is in the limit of low and medial ranks.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.45 g/cm3
Tangential contraction 9.87 %
Radial contraction 4.45 %
Volumetric contraction 13.40 %
T/R Ratio 2.40

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion 106,000 kg/cm2
Module of breakage in flexion 447.00 kg/cm2
Parallel compression (RM) 185.00 kg/cm2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 37.00 kg/cm2
Grain-parallel cut 52.00 kg/cm2
Hardness on the sides 212.00 kg/CM2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 0.90 kg-m

This wood's low mechanical resistance facilitates sawing. Workability is good when polished, molded, lathe-shaped and average when drilled. Good performance when dried. Dries fast in open air. Heavy-duty setting is advisable when artificially dried. Low natural durability makes it prone to biological attack. However, preservation is easy through hot-cold bath systems and vacuum-pressure chamber. Preservation is advisable.

The wood is highly commercialized and it's used in the construction of boxes, bird traps, crates, sheets and indoor wood panels. lt's sold for broom sticks in different sizes: 4in.x10in., 2in.x5in., or 5in.x8in. Natives consider this wood heavier than Virola flexuosa.

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