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Cachimbo blanco

Geographical Distribution: the distribution of the species was obtained from literature and herbal reports within the provinces of Loreto, Madre de Dios and San Martín between 0 and 500 m above sea level. Mean amounts can be found in the Peruvian Amazon.
The tree: 40 m tall, 90 cm diameter, round trunk, thick visible roots. Balloon-like top, somehow flat horizontally. The surface of the bark is brown and fissured, fissures are 1 cm deep and 1 cm wide. Main bark in 1 to 1.3 cm thick sheets, smell similar to vegetable oil, three layers: a grayish pink outer one, a pink intermediate one, and a thin whitish inner one.

Color: When freshly cut, sapwood (alburnum) is creamy white, similar to hardwood (duramen). No contrast of colors between both layers. When dried in the air, alburnum turns white HUE 8/2 10YR and duramen turns very pale brown HUE 8/3 10YR. (Munsell Soil Color Charts).

Fragrance Non-distinctive
Shine or gloss Moderate.
Grain Straight.
Texture Medium.
Streaks or patterns: Thin arches by growth rings.

Cachimbo blanco is a fairly heavy type of wood, with low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage.
Mechanic resistance in the limit of medial and high ranks.

Physical Properties
Primary density 0.59 g/CM3
Tangential contraction 7.58 %
Radial contraction 4.96 %
Volumetric contraction 12.10 %
T/R Ratio 1.50

Mechanical Properties
Module of elasticity in flexion 131,000 kg/Cm2
Module of breakage in flexion 735.00 kg/cm2
Parallel compression (RM) 342.00 kg/cm2
Perpendicular compression (ELP) 66.00 kg/cm2
Grain-parallel cut 84.00 kg/Cm2
Hardness on the sides 468.00 kg/Cm2
Firmness (Resistance to impact) 3.90 kg-m

Wood is homogeneous, few inner tension. Therefore, sawing is moderate. Medial mechanic resistance facilitates high productivity. Easy workability; though because of silica, it blunts cutting elements.
Performs well when dried. Dries up moderately in open air one-inch boards dry up in 40 days, performs well when artificially dried -two inches in 10 days in a mild setting, two inches in 55 days in a heavy-duty settingresulting in a high-quality product. Since its resistance to biological attack is moderate, preservation should be carried out through immersion system for damp wood and hot-cold bath system for dry wood. Average impregnability.

Wood is used for structural construction of houses, columns, joints, poles, folding items, indoor carpentry, molding, dovetail joints, furniture, crafts, tool handles. At present, it is also used for pelota-court paddle handles. It can also substitute Oregon pine in construction.

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