Batch Wizard Validation Report

Summary Report (Complete)

1. Documents that have errors

2. Documents that have warnings

3. Documents that have no errors or warnings

Validation Reports


Line:CharTypeMessage Description
1484:2ErrorThe TR tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<tr bgcolor="#fffcd7">

1485:2ErrorThe TD tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<td><div align="center">

1564:15ErrorThe TD tag (opened in line 1545) should be closed before the TABLE tag is closed (nesting error).


1564:39ErrorThe TD tag (opened in line 1485) should be closed before the TABLE tag is closed (nesting error).


1569:2ErrorThe closing tag for DIV was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.


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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
536:89ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p> <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;1 g &nbsp;&nbsp;</u> = <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;1000&nbsp;&nbsp; </u>=

538:9ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;10 l &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10 1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></td></tr></table></blockquote>

544:13ErrorThe BLOCKQUOTE tag (opened in line 543) should be closed before the SPAN tag is closed (nesting error).


568:85ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>V<SUB>1</SUB>= <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V<SUB>2</SUB> C<SUB>2</SUB>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></td></tr>

569:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>1</SUB></td></tr></table></blockquote>

574:98ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>V<SUB>1</SUB>= &nbsp;&nbsp;<u>5l. 2 mg/l&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></p></td></tr>

575:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>

578:98ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>V<SUB>1</SUB>=0,1 l</td></tr></table></blockquote>

592:2ErrorThe BLOCKQUOTE tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.


601:98ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>2</SUB> = <u>&nbsp;&nbsp; V<SUB>1</SUB> C<SUB>1&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></SUB></p></td></tr>

601:220ErrorThe SUB tag (opened in line 601) should be closed before the U tag is closed (nesting error).

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>2</SUB> = <u>&nbsp;&nbsp; V<SUB>1</SUB> C<SUB>1&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></SUB></p></td></tr>

602:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p> V<SUB>2</SUB></p></td></tr></table></blockquote>

608:98ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>2 <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;0,05l x 100 mg/l&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></p></td></tr>

608:156ErrorThe SUB tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>2 <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;0,05l x 100 mg/l&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></p></td></tr>

608:210ErrorThe SUB tag (opened in line 608) should be closed before the P tag is closed (nesting error).

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p>C<SUB>2 <u>&nbsp;&nbsp;0,05l x 100 mg/l&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></p></td></tr>

609:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p> 10 </p></td></tr>

612:98ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="30%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><p> C<SUB>2</SUB>=0,5 mg/ </p></td></tr></table></blockquote>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
28:40ErrorThe A tag (opened in line 28) should be closed before the SPAN tag is closed (nesting error).

<span class="texto"><a name="IPE_118"></span>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
55:62ErrorThe A tag (opened in line 55) should be closed before the P tag is closed (nesting error).

<P class="CAPITULO"><A NAME="IPE_138">9.1 MARCO REFERENCIAL </p></A>

219:99ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="50%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="left"><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Costo - valor residual </p></td></tr>

220:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="right"> <p>----------------------------------------------- = &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Depreciaci&oacute;n </p></td></tr>

221:5ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="left"><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tiempo de vida estimado (a&ntilde;os) </P></td></tr></table> </blockquote>

288:86ErrorThe CELLSPACING attribute is not valid for the TR tag.

<blockquote><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="50%" class="contenido"><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#F2EFE5"><td align="center"><P><B>Ganancia por unidad de &aacute;rea = Q P - C</b> </P></td></tr></table></blockquote>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
233ErrorThe character entity "&uacute.&quot;" is not valid for the HTML Configuration.

de az&uacute;car (Saccharum Officinarum) en San Mart&iacute;n - Per&uacute.&quot; </P>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
43:46ErrorReached the end of a line attempting to get a character entity. Found an ampersand '&' but could not find a following semicolon. If you want to actually display an ampersand, you should use the character entity "&amp;" (see comment).

<P align="center"><i>&quot;Art&iacute;culo 1 &quot.</i> </P>

57:38ErrorReached the end of a line attempting to get a character entity. Found an ampersand '&' but could not find a following semicolon. If you want to actually display an ampersand, you should use the character entity "&amp;" (see comment).

<P align="center"><i>&quot;Articulo 2&quot.</i> </P>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
6:2ErrorThe STYLE tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently not contained in another tag that allows its use.

<style type="text/css">

16:2ErrorThe STYLE tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently not contained in another tag that allows its use.

<STYLE TYPE="text/javascript">

17:1ErrorText was found in a "HTML" section. Because it is in this section, it must also be contained in one of the following elements: BODY HEAD NOFRAMES.


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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
6134:23ErrorThe P ALIGN tag is not in the HTML Configuration. Did you misspell it?

<td valign="TOP"><P align="center">

6134:30ErrorThe P ALIGN tag has a misplaced or invalid equal sign ('='). Cannot check the rest of the tag.

<td valign="TOP"><P align="center">

6136:23ErrorThe TD tag (opened in line 6134) should be closed before the P tag is closed (nesting error).

al noroeste. </P>

18232:34ErrorThe closing tag for DIV¾ was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.

<div align="center">&nbsp;</div¾

18233:10ErrorFound the character '>' with no previous character '<' to open the tag. The character '<' must appear before each '>' to open a tag. If you actually want to use this character in the text portion of your document, you should use the character entity &gt;.

> /td>

18234:12ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

</div><td valign="TOP">

18237:6ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

<td valign="TOP">

18240:6ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

<td valign="TOP">

18243:6ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

<td valign="TOP">

18246:6ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

<td valign="TOP">

18250:6ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently contained within another tag that may not contain it.

<td valign="TOP">

18253:4ErrorThe TD tag (opened in line 18231) should be closed before the TR tag is closed (nesting error).


18403:23ErrorThe DIV ALIGN tag is not in the HTML Configuration. Did you misspell it?

<td valign="TOP"><div align="center">

18403:32ErrorThe DIV ALIGN tag has a misplaced or invalid equal sign ('='). Cannot check the rest of the tag.

<td valign="TOP"><div align="center">

18439:41ErrorThe closing tag for DIö was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.

<div align="center">Calmado&nbsp;</diö>

18608ErrorReached the end of the line before a closing quote (or the end of a Miva macro). As currently configured, HTML Validator requires that all quoted strings (and Miva macros) be contained on one line and have beginning and end quotes. Did you forget the beginning or closing quotation mark for a quoted string?

<p aligcenter">&nbsp;</p>

18609ErrorReached the end of the line before a closing quote (or the end of a Miva macro). As currently configured, HTML Validator requires that all quoted strings (and Miva macros) be contained on one line and have beginning and end quotes. Did you forget the beginning or closing quotation mark for a quoted string?


18610ErrorReached the end of the line before a closing quote (or the end of a Miva macro). As currently configured, HTML Validator requires that all quoted strings (and Miva macros) be contained on one line and have beginning and end quotes. Did you forget the beginning or closing quotation mark for a quoted string?

<td valign="TOP">

18611ErrorReached the end of the line before a closing quote (or the end of a Miva macro). As currently configured, HTML Validator requires that all quoted strings (and Miva macros) be contained on one line and have beginning and end quotes. Did you forget the beginning or closing quotation mark for a quoted string?

<div align="center">&nbsp; </div>

18612ErrorReached the end of the line before a closing quote (or the end of a Miva macro). As currently configured, HTML Validator requires that all quoted strings (and Miva macros) be contained on one line and have beginning and end quotes. Did you forget the beginning or closing quotation mark for a quoted string?


19775ErrorTerminating validation due to too many errors! Please correct the previous errors and revalidate the document.

<td valign="TOP¢>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
4153:29ErrorThe TD tag was found, but it is not valid due to where it is used. The tag is currently not contained in another tag that allows its use.

<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="60%"><TD><CENTER><img src="iiap45.GIF" width="202" height="274"></CENTER></td></tr><tr><Td>

4153:102ErrorThe closing tag for TR was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.

<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="60%"><TD><CENTER><img src="iiap45.GIF" width="202" height="274"></CENTER></td></tr><tr><Td>

4153:107ErrorThe TR tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="60%"><TD><CENTER><img src="iiap45.GIF" width="202" height="274"></CENTER></td></tr><tr><Td>

4157:70ErrorThe TR tag (opened in line 4153) should be closed before the TABLE tag is closed (nesting error).

</u>de roleo de 50%, 1250 urjuina remanentes).</i></p></CENTER></TD></TABLE></CENTER>

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Line:CharTypeMessage Description
1418:2ErrorThe DIV tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<div align="center"><TABLE width="60%"><TR><TD><CENTER><img src="Copyiiap74.GIF" width="339" height="222"></CENTER></TD>

1421:244ErrorThe closing tag for CENTER was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.

<TD><div align="center"><p class="pie"><i><b>Plantaci&oacute;n 202-73:</b> Cedrelinga catenaeformis a campo abierto a /os 17 a&ntilde;os de edad Despu&eacute;s de ralear; altura total promedio 23,3 m y 442 M3 /ha de volumen promedio.</i> </p></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></div>

1421:253ErrorThe DIV tag (opened in line 1421) should be closed before the TD tag is closed (nesting error).

<TD><div align="center"><p class="pie"><i><b>Plantaci&oacute;n 202-73:</b> Cedrelinga catenaeformis a campo abierto a /os 17 a&ntilde;os de edad Despu&eacute;s de ralear; altura total promedio 23,3 m y 442 M3 /ha de volumen promedio.</i> </p></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></div>

7435:85ErrorThe TD tag (opened in line 7435) should be closed before the DIV tag is closed (nesting error).

<div align="center"> <TABLE><TR><TD><img src="iiap78.GIF" width="216" height="311"></div></td><TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD><td><br>

7437:33ErrorThe DIV tag (opened in line 7436) should be closed before the TD tag is closed (nesting error).

de volumen promedio.</I> </p></TD></TR></TABLE></div>

12567:2ErrorThe DIV tag must be closed but the closing tag was not found.

<div align="center"><br>

17867:12ErrorThe closing tag for CENTER was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.


20236:2ErrorThe DIV tag (opened in line 12567) should be closed before the BODY tag is closed (nesting error).


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Validation Report created by CSE HTML Validator Professional v4.04.
Copyright ©1997-2000 AI Internet Solutions. All rights reserved, worldwide.
Created Martes, 09 de Mayo de 2000 at 06:50:09 p.m..